mardi 21 octobre 2014

Invitations à Genève

- Mardi 28 octobre à 19:30 : exposé du Professeur Philibert SECRETAN
"RELIGION ET VIOLENCE, la prédication de la non-violence est-elle une invitation à la faiblesse ?" au Théâtre de l’Espérance, rue de la Chapelle 8, 1207 Genève Eaux-Vives.

- Jeudi 30 octobre de 13 à 14:30 : présentation à la Bibliothèque des Nations Unies d'un ouvrage et discussion sur 
"La Civilisation de l'Amour. Espérance ou utopie ?avec Don Patrick de LAUBIER, le Professeur Nicolas MICHEL, le Professeur Jean ZIEGLER, M. André Naftali LEVY, le Dr. Réda BENKIRANE, et Michel VEUTHEY, modérateur,
manifestation co-parrainée par la Mission permanente du Saint-Siège et la Mission de l’Ordre de Malte auprès des Nations Unies à Genève,
avec le soutien de l'Association Internationale de l'Enseignement Social Chrétien (

- Lundi 24 novembre de 8:30 à 13:30 au Palais des Nations (Salle V), 
Conférence-Colloque « La Famille et ses droits ».
Organisation : Caritas Internationalis, Forum des ONG catholiques, Fondation Caritas in Veritate, Novae Terrae Foundation, Centre Catholique d’Etudes de Genève. 
Renseignements et inscriptions : 

- Mardi 25 novembre à 19:30 : Témoignage personnel de Soeur Angélique NAMAIKA, Lauréate du Prix Nansen 2013, sur "L'ACTION HUMANITAIRE EN FAVEUR DES FEMMES ET DES ENFANTS VICTIMES DE LA GUERRE AU CONGO" au Théâtre de l’Espérance, rue de la Chapelle 8, 1207 Genève Eaux-Vives.

Pour plus d’information sur ces manifestations:

dimanche 19 octobre 2014

Invitation: Swiss monetary policy and the crisis: where do we stand?

Swiss monetary policy and the crisis: where do we stand?


Swiss monetary policy and the crisis: where do we stand?

We all need to distribute the massive and "unlimited" productions of robots, machines and computers.

How ?

The GOAL is to regain control of money so that each and all can hare in the legacy of our predecessors and the fruits of our solidarity and search for our common good.  

Notice “regain”  control; the goal is to regain the control that has been fraudulently stolen from the sovereign nation which is all of us.  

Our Constitution states this , as do most countries, but we insist it must be even more clearly emphasized

This will include:
The power to “coin” is to rest exclusively with our national sovereign; this exclusive power includes the both the issue and the volume of money and credit created, and when necessary, the same powers controlling the amount to be destroyed (removed from circulation).
Administrative salaries and costs of this service will be allocated of course, but most certainly no interest will be charged for the use of our own money and credit.
The accounting and statistical mechanisms and procedure to insure stability of our medium of exchange will be exercised through coordination of the appropriate public authorities starting, as is our custom, from the commune to the canton to the regional to the national level.  The real wealth of material and intellectual resource of Switzerland, as in your country, are represented by the person, by the small and medium size enterprise and these wealth resources are most easily recognized and accounted for at the local level., as is “counting the economic votes” which is when each individual makes his or her countless buying decisions through purchasing.  Every purchase freely chosen is an “economic vote.”
The stabilization of the dynamic between we the producer (some of us) and we the consumer (all of us) is continually to be re-calibrated and increased  as automation, computerization and robotic enhance the total national production.  These future discrepancies from what exits to what is becoming will be rectified through both reward compensation to all the actors in this production recognizing on an item by item basis the full and true costs of this new production and by increasing purchasing power to each and every consumer-citizen.  This increase is simply an increase in the monthly dividend cheque of each of us as a lifetime shareholder in “Switzerland Incorporated”.  Our dividend producing share is given to each at birth and is annulled at death.
The above initiative will be accomplished immediately.  The information recording algorithms for production are already in use.  The detailed data for all producing enterprises with their myriad of suppliers, distributor and retail outlets, including obviously their virtual or “on-line” stores, are already installed and in use thanks to our sophisticated tax and regulatory reporting requirements.  The difference is now this information gathered from us will be used for us.   
The mechanism to distribute dividends to each and every person and citizen already reside in multiple (too many?) public jurisdictions.  The need for daily sustenance is now, and each day thereafter, and this can be provided immediately with existing records and resources.

Other important considerations must be addressed to restore within our society proper order and perspective.  A fundamental principle is that the earth and all its bounty was created for all,  and in  recognizing private property, that each should have access to a property that can be called their own, a patrimony to pass within  a family from generation to generation to generation.  Restoring this proper order will require much thought and respectful dialogue and discourse respecting both the Spirit and the letter of the Divine Law .  Some of these areas include length of mortgage contracts, right of redress to those who have lost their ancestral home and property, as well as those seeking to acquire public and private property
The existing CHF (Swiss franc) Money Supply created through fictional or non-existent ownership claims and therefore illegal debt obligations will be simply cancelled.  Private individuals and cooperative saving groups will be compensated according to their just claims for monies invested into these instruments, but no recourse will be permitted those who are making claim without just title.
The “reserve” of the National Bank of Switzerland (NBS) will be independent of gold, silver, or other precious metals or commodities which can be fraudulently manipulated by financial consortia internal or external to Switzerland.  The “reserve” will be a real reserve of wealth in the form of seven (7) years worth of edible foodstuffs such as grain, legumes, vegetables etc. and their non-GMO seed stocks
Treaties, international agreements, standard contracts etc. will all be reviewed to insure they are compatible with both the means and desired ends of Swiss sovereignty.  Any that go against one of us or all of us will be identified and denounced at the Commune, Canton, regional and or national level
The gigantic savings immediately available by refusing to pay unjust usurious interest on our own credit will make most if not all of the myriad of direct and hidden taxes shown above (#4) unnecessary.   The most obvious of thee effecting our daily cost of living will be removal of all value added sales tax as well as all the supplementary gasoline taxes   Those employed will no longer have their well earned pay cheque reduced by withholding taxes.  Our municipalities will once again be able to initiate ascetic, artistic, cultural or environment conserving community projects where and when the talent is locally available to undertake these enhancements.  Our police and security forces, once again scaled to community need, not to either “fiscal austerity” nor make work politics, will return to their primary role as peace and security custodians rather than their current  primary role as tax revenue collectors and parking meter maids.

A restoration of our society of this magnitude will include transitional provisions.
The Confederation to create on a per family size basis the requisite sized “Solidarity Fund” in a national purse.
This national pure will then be dispersed to the Cantons using the same demographic distribution modelling determining representative seat in the Plenum of the Federal Assembly
A referendum currently underway will determine Yes or No to restricting the highest paid salary in an organization, private, public, or NGO, to a maximum of 12X that of the lowest paid.  Another provision being voted upon could limit the maximum compensation to $500,000 per annum.
To further reposition “money” from it current god-like, idolatrous status ruling mankind to its proper role as a useful tool serving all mankind, a number of provisions will be introduced restricting trading on margin, “short selling” credit default swaps etc.  The key principle to be employed will include i)full existing title of ownership and ii)full payment.  To reduce arbitrage trading {EDITOR; arbitrage trading is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets: striking a combination of matching deals that capitalize upon the imbalance; traders have been known to buy and sell in the same two areas hundred of times in a single day taking advantage of their not paying any transaction costs to capitalize of minute second by second price swings ]) in both stocks and currencies a price will be listed for the day   A number of sophisticated reforms a outlined by Maurice Allais, French Nobel Prize winner in Economics the thrust of which is to return the gambling mindset” from financial instrument and markets, a mindset, that while it ha always been present in the minds and actions of a few, has since the early nineteen seventies grown into endemic proportion to the extent that it may very well being the standard governing principle---the lives and livelihoods of billions of us being determined by a few who look on life as nothing but one giant ,non-top casino.

1.   125'000 signatures for the swiss unconditional basic income


4 oct. 2013 - The + 125'000 signatures collected in Switzerland since April 2012 for the popular initiative for an unconditional basic income has been  ...

2.   François de Siebenthal: Swiss basic income, arguments

3 juin 2012 - ... The idea is known as Guaranteed Minimum Income, or Basic  ...

3.   François de Siebenthal: New York Times. Receive your ...

12 nov. 2013 - On November 8th, the Federal Chancellery announced that the federal popular initiative for an unconditional basic income has formally ended.

4.   Anderson Swiss Propose Basic Income Payment

A bold, unorthodox Swiss initiative has reached a striking new phase: On Oct. 4, ...According to de Siebenthal, the UBI, if approved, would mean that the Swiss  ...

5.   Swiss Initiative and the world stands for basic ... - Facebook

Swiss Initiative and the world stands for basic income on the 4th of October! JoinSave Invite ... François de Siebenthal is going. September 16, 2013  ...

6.   Swiss Initiative and the world stands for basic income on the ...

Let's all gather in the Swiss capital for this really special day ! Let's make 4th October a basic income event for Europe and the world. The 4th of October will be a ...

7.   Switzerland: An Initiative to Establish Basic Income for All of ...

If the initiative to introduce a basic income gathers more than 100,000 signatures before October 11, ..... On May 8, 6:32 am, François de Siebenthal 

8.   Staff | HD Centre

From 2006 to 2012, he was also the facilitator of the project 'Initiative pour un ..... After studying translation at the University of Geneva, Alexis de Siebenthal worked ...working to ensure that income meets the organisation's needs, both directly  ...

9.   Bold Swiss Ballot Plan Tries "Economic Democracy ...

12 oct. 2012 - Ajouté par American Free Press
... met with Swiss economist Francois de Siebenthal in Quebec during an annual ... The movement consists of a Swiss ballotinitiative that needs at least 100,000 ... Swiss Parliament to weigh on unconditional income for all by  ...

10.                François de Siebenthal: La Suisse: Le pr... -

26 avr. 2012 - C'est ce que propose l'initiative «Pour un revenu de base inconditionnel», publiée mardi dans la ... Basic Income Earth Network-Switzerland.

11.                UBI seen from California Switzerland Basic Income ...

Inline images 2

21 oct. 2013 - UBI seen from California Switzerland Basic Income Mountain of Money Performance UBI seen from California In Switzerland, a basic income initiative is pending ...
10 avr. 2014 - Conference: Unconditional Basic Income – Emancipating European Welfare en direct ou différé. Emancipating European Welfare - UBIE Conference in Brussels ...

D'un côté, on peut voir la Croix suisse, qui représente le Royaume du Christ et de l'autre côté, la justice sociale représentée par Guillaume Tell, le héros national suisse et le libérateur des pauvres. Sur le bord, la tranche, on peut lire la date de fabrication en latin et ces mots latins: " Dominus providebit - Dieu y pourvoira», qui se réfère spécifiquement au verset de l'Évangile de Matthieu et à la  
Genèse. Dieu fournit l'abondance, qu'il est en effet très généreux. 

Madame, Monsieur,

J’ai le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence que M. le Docteur Attilio Zanetti (Directeur de l’analyse économique à la Banque nationale suisse) tiendra le 7 novembre prochain, de 9h15 à 10h30, intitulée “Swiss monetary policy and the crisis: where do we stand?”

Cette conférence aura lieu à la Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales de l’Université de Fribourg, Boulevard de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg (auditoire G120). L’annonce est ci-jointe à titre d’information.

Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes meilleures salutations.

Sergio Rossi

Prof. Dr Sergio Rossi, Ph.D.

 de macroéconomie et d’économie monétaire
 d’économie politique
 de Fribourg
 de Pérolles 90 (case 22)
CH-1700 Fribourg

Fax +41.26.300.9678



    3 juin 2014 - Initiative «Monnaie pleine» .... droit de vote : François de Siebenthal, Chemin des Roches 14, 1010 Lausanne; Thomas Jenni, Charmilles 14,  ...
  2. [PDF]FF 2014 3589 -

    20 mai 2014 - (Initiative Monnaie pleine)», présentée le 12 mai 2014, satisfait, ... 1. deSiebenthal François, Chemin des Roches 14, 1010 Lausanne. 2.
  3. François de SiebenthalMonnaie pleine, Vollgeld, positive ...

    9 juin 2014 - Monnaie pleine, Vollgeld, positive money, par Francois de Siebenthal. ou encore des explications plus philosophiques de l' Université de ...
  4. François de SiebenthalMonnaie pleine, compliments de ...

    8 juin 2014 - L'initiative "monnaie pleine" vient d'être lancée : si elle réussit, ce sera la fin du privilège exorbitant de CRÉATION MONÉTAIRE dont jouissent ...

    • Résultat de recherche d'images pour "siebenthal monnaie pleine"
    • Résultat de recherche d'images pour "siebenthal monnaie pleine"
    • Résultat de recherche d'images pour "siebenthal monnaie pleine"
    • Résultat de recherche d'images pour "siebenthal monnaie pleine"
    • Résultat de recherche d'images pour "siebenthal monnaie pleine"
    Plus d'images pour siebenthal monnaie pleine


    L'initiative populaire pour une monnaie pleine a été lancée par l'association MoMo, une ... François de Siebenthal, Économiste HEC Lausanne et lic. és sc. iur.:.

    L'initiative Monnaie pleine vise à obtenir un argent à l'épreuve des crises en ... Rede von François de Siebenthal, Économiste HEC Lausanne et lic. és sc. iur.,  ...
  7. [PDF]initiative Monnaie pleine

    2 Elle seule émet de la monnaie, des billets de banque ... droit de vote : François deSiebenthal, Chemin des Roches 14, 1010 Lausanne; Thomas Jenni,  ...
  8. François de Siebenthal: Initiative pour ... -

    16 avr. 2014 - François de Siebenthal: Initiative pour une monnaie pleine ... dans lamonnaie, quelque soit la forme de la monnaie( métallique, papier...).
  9. François de Siebenthal — Wikipédiaçois_de_Siebenthal

    François Vincent de Siebenthal, né le 16 décembre 1955, est un économiste ... et en faveur de la monnaie pleine. et  ...