mardi 23 avril 2019


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The Geneva Press Club – Club suisse de la Presse,
in collaboration with Akin Gump,
has the pleasure to invite the international press, the Swiss press
and its members to a conference entitled :
 Tuesday, 7th May 2019 at 4:30 pm
« La Pastorale » Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Genève
(Bus 5 – Direction : Aéroport – Arrêt : Intercontinental)

John J. Edwards III (moderator)
Editor on Bloomberg's Europe consumer and health team as well as editor on the U.S. media/telecom team. Based in Geneva, John covers consumer-products, retailers, luxury companies, pharmaceuticals and biotech. He previously spent 16 years at the Wall Street Journal, most recently as the Deputy Business Editor, EMEA and before that worked

Matt Apuzzo
Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times. He has covered law enforcement and security matters for more than a decade and is the co-author of the book
« Enemies Within »

Zoë Newman
Managing director at Kroll who leads complex, cross-border forensic investigations into matters of fraud, corruption and potential regulatory breaches

Mark MacDougall
Partner at Akin Gump. Dubbed 
« The Cleaner » by The American Lawyer for his groundbreaking work in the field of reputational recovery, Mark has led numerous cases that have been widely followed by international media.

Stacey Mitchell
Partner at Akin Gump with extensive experience in crisis management and strategic counseling, including helping clients manage the tensions in business-critical decisions.


Not long ago, there was broad public confidence in the news media getting its facts right. But today, with the proliferation of online media and opinion-driven content, it's harder than ever to tell what's legitimate from what's not — with cries of bias and even « fake news » dominating the news cycle. However,« fake news » can mean many things : a false story planted by a business competitor, contagious fabrications on social media, a natural product of the anonymous Internet or — to some — real journalism with which you just disagree.

Please join a panel of distinguished experts in international journalism, investigations and reputation law for a lively discussion of these and other issues — and perhaps raise some of your own. This program will be in English.

Please register here:
For questions, please contact Julia Studdard at +1 202.416.5008 or
The program will conclude at 6 p.m

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