mardi 5 novembre 2019

"The 'good' algorithm? Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Law, Health"

Dear Friends,

we are glad to announce that the registratios to our next Workshop, "The 'good' algorithm? Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Law, Health" are now open.
The Workshop will be held in the New Hall of the Synod (Vatican City), February 26-28, 2020.
Hoping to see you in February,
Best regards

Gaetano Torlone

Gaetano Torlone
Events and Congresses Office
Pontifical Academy for Life
Via della Conciliazione, 1
00120 Vatican City

Tel: +39 06 698 95200

Workshop 2020 on Artificial Intelligence, February 26-27-28, 2020. Registrations open!

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Workshop 2020 on Artificial Intelligence, February 26-27-28 2020.
The Workshop will start on February 26th at 3pm and will end on the 28th at 1pm.
The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Abp. Vincenzo Paglia, notes that “in these last number of years the Academy has shown a specific interest in new technologies, dedicating the two-year period 2019-2020 to robo-ethics and to ethical-anthropological questions connected to the so-called artificial intelligences. The Academy is working in relation to what was requested by the Pope, who urged the Academy to enter the territories of science and technology and to follow them with courage and discernment”

2 commentaires:

  1. La religion et la santé à l’aune de l’intelligence artificielle. C’est le surprenant thème choisi du prochain Artificial Intelligence Geneva Summit (AIGS), qui se tient mercredi 6 novembre au Campus Biotech de Genève.

  2. Le prochain Artificial Intelligence Geneva Summit, qui se tient mercredi 6 novembre au Campus Biotech de Sécheron, s’emploiera à débattre du lien entre l’âme, le corps et la machine. Entretien avec Nicolas Capt, l'un des organisateurs.
    Accordera-t-on à des entités artificielles un statut qui se rapprocherait de l’être humain ? Cela convoque la notion même de vie, d’âme.


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